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  • andersen


    i hope you can read in english..

    we are a danish family just moved to holland

    We need to pay our rent the 1 of june but because we have som problems with our bank it isnt paid

    I have now tryed to made a solution with our landlord ( privat man). I would pay the half rent now and the rest in two shares. But he told me that i need to pay or move..

    Can he do this?? What is the rules in Holland. I have a contract but there stands nothing about this

    Can he simply come to the house and tell us to move??

    Please answer in english

    Kind regard '

  • Bruce Dickens


    Well, I am not quite sure how this is arranged exactly in the Dutch law but I think the landlord is in its right. Guess I need to read the contract to be sure of it.

